

- I have a diagnosed BPD and ADHD.
- I’m dyslexic so please be patient with me.
- I curse a lot (unfortunately).
- mostly jokes and /lh if not I will let you know.
- sb to unfollow (please and thank you).
- I make jokes about hating my favorite characters. Do not take it seriously.
- I try replying to everyone to the best of my abilities but please expect late responses.
- My dms are open, please reach out to me for removal or whenever u feel something isn’t right.


- if you fit basic dni criteria (homophobic, racist, etc..)
- shtwt, goretwt and edtwt.
-proshipper and sexualize minors.
- anti self dx
- heavy drama and discourse accounts.
- if you don’t use she/her for arashi or joke about characters health conditions.
- pjsk centric accounts on thin ice (ok if I follow first)

Blocked ?

If you don’t fit any of the above criteria and you want to get unblocked you can dm me from an alt or send me a message in curiouscat

I produce these sillies !